As a leader in international forwarding, Globalink Logistics operates with a vast network of third parties, including agents and suppliers, who contribute to successfully delivering services to customers.
Globalink Logistics is committed to upholding the highest ethical, social, and environmental standards. We expect our agents and suppliers, including their employees, personnel, subcontractors, and partners (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”), to comply with the principles outlined in this Code of Conduct and all applicable laws and regulations. The most stringent requirements shall always prevail.
This Code is based on internationally recognized principles, including but not limited to:
- United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
- United Kingdom Bribery Act
- International Labor Organization (ILO) Standards
- World Customs Organization (WCO) Safe Framework of Standards
- European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Ethical Standards
Suppliers must conduct their business ethically and with integrity. This includes, but is not limited to:
• Prohibition of Facilitation Payments: Suppliers shall not make facilitation payments to government officials unless legally exempt.
• Conflicts of Interest: Suppliers must disclose any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest that may impact their relationship with Globalink Logistics.
• Gifts and Entertainment: Offering or accepting gifts or entertainment to gain an unfair advantage is prohibited. Any permitted gifts must be modest, reasonable, and compliant with applicable laws.
• Political Contributions: Suppliers must not make political contributions on behalf of Globalink Logistics.
• Insider Trading: Using non-public information for personal or business gain is strictly prohibited.
• Responsible Communication: Suppliers must not make public statements or use Globalink Logistics branding without prior written consent.
Labour and Human Rights
Suppliers shall respect and uphold internationally recognized human rights, including:
• Prohibition of child labour under the minimum legal working age.
• Elimination of forced, compulsory, or illegal labour.
• Compliance with statutory wages and working hours.
• Protection of workers’ rights to freely associate and bargain collectively.
• Ensuring a workplace free of discrimination based on gender, marital status, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, age, or disability.
Health and Safety
Suppliers must ensure compliance with occupational health and safety laws and standards such as ISO 45001. This includes:
• Providing a safe working environment with adequate training and protective equipment.
• Identifying and mitigating workplace hazards.
• Implementing emergency preparedness and response plans.
• Prohibiting drug and alcohol use at work.
• Conducting regular risk assessments and safety drills.
Environmental Responsibility
Suppliers must comply with environmental laws and work towards reducing their environmental footprint. This includes:
• Compliance with ISO 14001 or equivalent environmental management systems.
• Reducing energy and water consumption, emissions, and waste generation.
• Proper handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances to prevent environmental contamination.
• Monitoring and reducing CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Suppliers must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including:
• Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption: No engagement in bribery, kickbacks, or fraud.
• Trade Compliance: Adherence to import/export regulations and sanctions laws.
• Data Privacy and Information Security: Protection of confidential and proprietary information of Globalink Logistics and its customers.
• Anti-Money Laundering: Ensuring no involvement in money laundering or terrorist financing.
• Antitrust and Fair Competition: Prohibition of anti-competitive behaviour.
• Tax Compliance: Suppliers must not facilitate unlawful tax evasion.
• Accurate Record Keeping: Maintaining transparent and accurate financial records.
Supply Chain Security
Suppliers must comply with international supply chain security standards, including the WCO Safe Framework of Standards, the EU Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), and the US Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT).
Subcontracting and Monitoring
• Suppliers must not subcontract any work without prior written approval from Globalink Logistics.
• Suppliers must cooperate with Globalink Logistics in audits, inspections, and compliance reviews.
• Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance must be monitored and reported as required.
Confidential Reporting and Enforcement
Suppliers must report any observed violations of this Code of Conduct confidentially to Globalink Logistics. Retaliation against individuals who report concerns in good faith is strictly prohibited.
Non-compliance with this Code may result in termination of business relationships. Globalink Logistics reserves the right to enforce corrective actions and conduct further investigations as needed.